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20,00€19,00€ Amigo19,00€ Premium
37,00€35,15€ Amigo35,15€ Premium
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100,00€95,00€ Amigo95,00€ Premium
Artists Who Make Books showcases 32 internationally recognized artists who have integrated book production into their larger creative practice. This volume features a selection of books — many rarely seen — by every artist included, an accompanying text providing further context, and over 500 illustrations of covers and interior spreads. Insightful interviews with Tauba Auerbach, Paul Chan, and Walther König, and in-depth essays by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh and Lynda Morris round out this illuminating survey.
23,00€21,85€ Amigo21,85€ Premium
45,00€42,75€ Amigo42,75€ Premium
55,00€52,25€ Amigo52,25€ Premium
37,85€35,96€ Amigo35,96€ Premium